Southern League Taichung Invitational Tournament Champions
Congratulations to Compass on a job well done winning the Southern League Taichung Invitational Tournament!
While the Taichung Tubbies put up a great fight, and the Taichung Scunners really stepped it up, wins against the Kaohsiung Massive and Taichung Zhongshan Medical College were enough to tip the scales in Compass' favor. Although Compass' Win/Loss record was the same as the Tubbies, goal difference made the decision.
Goals were delivered one-a-peice by Allan, Ben, Robert and Sebastien in the short 25 minute periods. The tournament was structured as a single round-robin match-up with record, and then goal difference (in case of tie), determining the final outcome.
A big thanks to the Taichung Tubbies for coordinating the tournament, and to the Kaohsiung Massive for traveling up to take part in the action!
The after-tourney party was an unmitigated success. Many thanks to our hosts Allan and Krysta, and props to Doug's performance with the grill. From many accounts, the grilled salmon and various wine options were the highlights.